Thursday, March 28, 2013

Types of Bag Making Machines

  1. 3-Side Seal
    Here, a film reel is fed into the machine, this reel is passed through a set of rollers so as to be slit into exactly half and placed one on top of the other. The two overlapping films are then passed through plates which have been pre-adjusted for the pouches specifications and then they are with proper tension, heat-sealed on the two sides. A pre-calibrated sensor is then used to seal the final end after the reel has moved a certain length. The final process of this involves the slitting at the same regular intervals in order to create a three-side seal pouch.

  1. Gusseted Seal
    This consists of two processes. First, a film is fed into the machine which seals both the ends together forming a continuously closed package with two open ends. This is reeled and fed into another machine. Here, the film is subject to blowing and is then proceeded to more adjustable plates where the sides are gusseted. As it is reeled in form one end, with the proper tension, it's heat-sealed and slit with the help of a sensor placed in the machine to produce a gusseted pouch.

  1. Centre-Seal (with Gusset Option)
    Here a film reel is fed into the machine and it's passed through a set of manually-adjusted plates that would fold the reel so that it's ends touch each other. This is then heat-sealed forming a centre-seal. As it is reeled in form one end, with the proper tension, it's heat-sealed on the other end and slit with the help of a sensor placed in the machine to produce a centre-sealed pouch, with proper adjustment, a gusseted centre sealed pouch is allowed to be manufactured.

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